Murder is a peculiar and elusive category of killing. It doesn’t simply refer to intentional (non-accidental) killing nor to offensive (non-self-defense) killing. In fact, it really has no objective meaning at all – it’s entirely circumstantial, more of an exception than a category, much like the term “cruelty”.
If killing occurs for a reason or by individual(s) that a specific other person or persons doesn’t approve of, then it’s murder?! If the killing is sanctioned by a government (its law enforcement, military, contracted mercenaries or approved rebel forces), then it’s “war” or “collateral damage”!? If done by a non-sanctioned entity (like by non-approved “insurgents”), then it’s “murder”?!
On the other hand, someone dying of natural causes can be considered murder – such as one’s son dying of cancer (when chemotherapy, a toxic treatment was not applied), but when one’s health insurance withholds potentially life-saving treatments, it’s totally fine! Murder is totally contextual.
Authorized Life-taking
meat isn’t murder
neither is execution
nor kills by soldier