Killer Christians

What is up with the Christians these days? I understand not all Christians in this country (USA) are advocating war and murder, but some of them are (WTF? and WWJD?). I’m not myself Christian, but I was raised Christian and I read the entire New Testament and not once did Jesus Christ (coincidentally the root of the word “Christian”) advocate killing. Not in bloodbath revenge for terrorism, not for murderers either. In fact, as the Bible tells it, Jesus was a pretty nice guy overall, forgiving and open-minded. He befriended outcasts, such as tax collectors (including Matthew, one of the disciples) who were frowned upon at the time and defended an adulteress, protecting her from stoning by shaming her would-be killers. He advocated humility, love for all and forgiveness.

As I said, I’m not Christian and I don’t agree with everything that the Bible says, but it’s pretty clear (if you actually read the gospels, aka the New Testament, which is the basis for Christianity) that Jesus did not condone or advocate violence against fellow humans; in fact, the opposite. So, those who are supporting (or igniting) The War on/of Terror and claim to be Christian are perverting their purported religion into some unrecognizable form. Likewise, for those who monger hate in any fashion. I understand that people have their own moral views and Christianity may have some (OK, a lot) of moral judgments that to make, but those judgments are not for Christians to enforce.

Here are some relevant Jesus quotes (with my comments in italics):

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’ But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well.” -Matthew 5:38-40
Likewise, if some crazy individuals crash planes into buildings, do not invade two countries and bomb and shoot the bejeezus out of them, asking your sons and daughters to perform the killings and sometimes getting killed themselves.

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” -Matthew 5:9
Hey, you Christians not already lobbying for peace, get on the bandwagon, don’t you want to be children of God? Newsflash: Jesus is not talking about the Colt Peacemaker 45 handgun, here – I’m pretty sure that wasn’t invented in his time.Not the Colt Peacemaker

“Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” -Matthew 7:1-2
Follow the leader, people – stop with all the judgments. Let your God sort it out later. Come on, let the gays get married, let people have other religions and most importantly, let them live.

“For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” -Matthew 6:14-15
I’m pretty sure forgiveness doesn’t mean discriminating against, imprisoning or torturing killing random people of Arab descent. Rev up your forgiveness motors and get forgiving, already.

I realize there are some pretty great, good-hearted Christians out there, but for the bad ones (the pro-killing ones), I thought this quote was pretty interesting:

“The ultimate Christian for America is John Wayne Gacy. Gacy was such an outstanding Christian he was invited to the White house and shook the hand of President Ronald Reagan. Remember this man was the clown for Christ who raped and murdered 33 boys, one for every year that Christ lived on this Earth.” -James Donahue

On the positive side, I found this Christian site with some interesting points about Jesus and violence/non-violence:

All in all, I think Christ had some pretty good ideas and I’m definitely on board with the non-violence thing. I just wish many of his myriad followers could stop being dolts living in the Old Testament and actually pay attention to JC words enough to get the message: forgive, repent, show mercy, make peace, don’t judge, don’t be greedy and don’t kill (something both in the Old and New Testament – God explicitly said Thou shalt not kill and Jesus said Don’t murder [clue: “murder” means killing other humans, i.e. war is just mass murder]). Peace.