Our Humanity Is Not Up For Debate

Plenty of human behaviors and government policies can be reasonably argued about (for example, budgeting); however, what is not up for debate is our fundamental humanity. It’s not politics to understand that all humans deserve Dignity, Autonomy and Safety; we just do.

Anyone who seeks to create, maintain or control a lower class for any group of humans desires (consciously or subconsciously) power imbalance in their favor via institutional bigotry. This is not justifiable.

Transgender people (including trans-women of color) are human beings. It does not matter what your politics are, your sincerely held beliefs or religious doctrine. If you think that crossing traditional lines of gender makes them “wrong,” it is actually you who is wrong. LGBTQ+ folks do not have to hide their relationships nor who they are to avoid causing discomfort; we can be proud of who we are (as per the intent of Pride month celebrations).

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