There is No War, There is No Cure

I’m talking about Covid-19 circa March-April of 2020; as of now, there is no war, there is no cure. Aren’t we getting a little tired of MEWA (Make Everything a War Analogy)? There’s no “War on Christmas” and there’s certainly no war against an unbeatable micro-zombie (virus) that’s literally eating humans alive.

We do not have a vaccine; health experts say an effective, safe vaccine is 12-18 months in the future. Even when we do get a vaccine, that’s not a “cure”; a vaccine doesn’t help anyone who is already sick. I don’t understand how anyone can imagine a “war” where you have no effective weapon against the enemy, where the best you can do is run and hide/avoid (which is basically what “social distancing” is).

Americans, or maybe the world, loves to analogize/masculinize everything into a violent altercation, where all conflict is “fighting” and the deepest insult possible is “cowardice.” This is epidemiology, not war, and our best option is preventative practices, which can mitigate the spread. Such practices are borne of concern and caution, not “bravery”; here, the brazen and fearless are not “war fighters,” but instead will be carriers who catch and spread the disease.

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