Aces Wild (Asexuality & Queerness)

Where does asexuality fit within the queer spectrum? Nowhere? Everywhere? Although not myself asexual, I find this an interesting question because I’m also an outlier, albeit in a different way.

First, some definitions:
Asexuality is defined by a non-temporary lack of sexual attraction (e. g., someone who rarely, if ever, experiences sexual attraction or desire).
Ace is a shortened version of “asexual” and commonly used for self-identification among those who are asexual, similar to terms like, “gay” or “straight.”

For an ace perspective / definition (and a really good doorknob analogy), check out Echo Gillette’s YouTube video: Coming out as asexual.

“Queer” was a term originally used by mainstream people to circumspectly or pejoratively refer to those they considered homosexuals; later, queerness was reclaimed by gay. lesbian, bisexual and trans activists (becoming known as the LGBT community).

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