Link to Art (xray-lefthand)


VRML pix (p3)

My 7th project: Push

This was my final project for my first class, where I incorprated sounds, text, lighting, animation, texture, triggers and multiple [connected] worlds.
It was a commentary on the techno-hype of the 1990's and how it might not be as great as everyone seemed to think.

as user approaches computer, s/he hears an ominous electronic noise (a sort of creepy insisent video game soundtrack)...

when user arrives at computer, s/he has 3 choices to click; clicking the computer screen brings up:

above is a static-filled screen that grows and shrinks (now shrunk) to reveal words, ambient sound is static-filled as well;
clicking the static screen here brings you back to the computer world, where if you click the left button (Infra-FLUX-ure), you go:

ambient sound is a kind of demanding techno beat and world is filled with bright colors and odd shapes (like early visions of "cyberspace")

"Information is Power" (slogans float in the distance)

more shapes and slogans ("Flesh is Obsolete")

the pipelines along the top reflect the datastream:
welcometotheinformationsuperhighwaynosmokingonthisflightpleasenjoyyourride - icqpipelinedatatothenetherlandsflowingburning - microsoftinteljumponthespeedtraincommunicationgonenova - pinkbluegreentechnicolordatadeathmanchinebloomingseedingbirthing - growingbiologicaldysfunctionmetalmanhasthemicrophone - rocketdowntheISDNlineinlineofflineoutoflinewelcometotheabyssyou'renotconnected!

when you find the red button, you click it to return to the computer world, where if you click the right button (Killswitch-Click), you go:

all robots have animations tied in, most are just a wiggle (+ this world is completely silent)...

this one has a crusher animation tied in (click its head)...

more robots and a second crusher are off to the left...

one robot voluntarily walks to the crusher (when you click on it)...

Isn't technology just grand?!


<< Wings [second 3 projects]



Tattered Archive

["masque"] >>

background: stone4.gif from CosmoWorlds texture archive