"A fluttery, feathery, mobile and mutlilateral entity
defying your preponderous preconceptions."
This was done to invent a new sex (primarily with images) for the 1000
tiny sexes project (originally a request for images, now seems to be for
text). I made something more complex (bigger + colorful) than what they were
looking for, so I made 2 B&W smaller images to submit (click above images
to see original [middle] and B&W images). 2007.
[Hint: name is like "alternate-sex"."wings"]
This is a brochure I designed for my friend Mal's one-person
[multi-character] show in 2006 about petitioning
for marriage equality in Massachussets (click here
to see both inside and outside areas with folds explained).
Incidentally, I directed this show (mainly with movement/props direction, but
also gave content/script feedback).
Class Acts Theater was a group that I was involved with
for a little less than 2 years (click
here for modified version of website) and I did their first website in 2004
and kept it up until the group dissolved in 2005. I
put up sample screenshots of original main pages (numbered links).
This was a collaborative project with my friend Tim in
2003 of political
statements with flags on stickers; click
here for more info & examples.
The And So No Sin Performance Troupe was a post-modern
dance troupe that I worked with for about 2 years (click
here to see my performance info, including modified version of website,
with pictures). I began work on the website after about a year of involvement
with the group (2002) and kept it up until I left the group the next year
(and the choreographer found someone else to redo their website). I put up
sample screenshots of main pages (numbered links).
The Dresden Dolls is a musical group that I knew personally
and did their first website in 2002. It was a lot of fun (Amanda had these
great antique paper doll pieces that I used images of throughout the site),
but also a lot of work (especially with a full time day-job and also dancing
in And So No Sin, which I was also working on a website for), so eventually
she found someone with more time (and Flash skills). I put up sample screenshots
of the splash page and menu items (numbered links).
The first was a "business card" for The
And So No Sin Performance Troupe, the second was a calling card for my friend
John, the third is my personal card (has seen many updates - this version
is probably from 2004); the last two were actual business card prototypes
for an old girlfriend, which she didn't end up using (I obscured her name
& contact info). 2000 - 2004.
No Pill Necessary
(CD Design)
![CD image - click to enlarge](cds/nopillnecessary/am_cov1_sm.jpg)
insert p1
( front cover)
![CD image - click to enlarge](cds/nopillnecessary/am_cov3_sm.jpg)
insert p2
(inside left)
![CD image - click to enlarge](cds/nopillnecessary/am_cov2_sm.jpg)
insert p3
(inside right)
![CD image - click to enlarge](cds/nopillnecessary/am_cov4_sm.jpg)
insert p4
left and right images in this chart were the side
panels of CD case
![CD image - click to enlarge](cds/nopillnecessary/am_disk_sm.jpg)
disk label
![CD image - click to enlarge](cds/nopillnecessary/am_back_in_sm.jpg)
inside backing
![CD image - click to enlarge](cds/nopillnecessary/am_back_sm.jpg)
back of case
This was a CD package design I did for a birthday mix
for a close friend (without track listings) for a clear jewel case. It was
a mix of songs from our favorite clubnight called "The Pill" and
contained a red ephedrine pill in the left fold area, same as in the pictures,
in the plastic area between the CD holder and back cover. All photos and design
by me. Spring - 2001.
These are covers (mostly without the text) for CDs (using
original and appropriated images). 1998-2001.
The first item was music-as-image, based on a Tricky
song called "Black Steel". 1999
The second was a desktop background I made from an old newspaper ad that I
liked (same ad became my business card). 1999 or 2000
The third was for one of my backup CDs (the flower is not what you think).
1999 or 2000
The fourth is a random image I found (probably intended as CD cover, but I don't
think I ever used it). 2001
I decided to revise 2 of the earlier pieces I did (see
below) with some more
complexity (such as photo I took of the space where a building used to be) in
Reflections on Masculinity
This was a series of pieces I did late in 1999 reflecting
on my identity in terms of the masculinity
I felt others tried to impose on me. The series was an early part of my thesis
- see GenDissent.
AGATE (Advocacy for Gifted And Talented Education) was
a group my mother was affiliated with and I did their first website and they
paid me (my first paid design job); I worked on it for about 3/4 year starting
in fall of 1999 (part-time, while I was working another job 1/2 time and going
to school full-time), then their website budget ran out and I was too busy with
my senior thesis to work on it for free. I put a link to a sample screenshot
CDE Music Indies (Web
This site was done for non-profit (electronic music foundation
[emf]) as an unpaid internship in the summer of 1999, but they were difficult
to work with and wanted more skill than I had (I was still learning [self-taught]
HTML), so we parted ways after a few months and they never used my design. I've
put up a few links to screenshot samples above.
This was a full design project for a class and I did
it for a girlfriend's custom corset business [Dementia Designs] just before
we broke up. I'm not sure if she ever used it (we didn't stay in touch). This
is just here to showcase my designs. I designed the corset
logo from scratch. Autumn - 1998.
This was a project experimenting with
texture and layers - the main background is a kind of silvery foil-paper I found.
It was fairly large, about 11" high and 30" wide. Subject was the
past and people I've loved and lost - I'm told the emotions read quite well
(disturbing/sad), even not knowing any of the subjects. Autumn - 1998.
This was one of my first digital art projects - a self-portrait
of sorts. Autumn - 1998.
These are my first digital image collages made for my
first class on the subject (learning to use Photoshop). 1998.