corporations aren’t engaging

News bulletin: greed is not an easily satisfied emotion, nor a fulfilling pursuit.

So why is it hard to understand that public corporations (whose only responsibility nowadays is to maximize profit for the shareholders) are vacuous entities, with many “non-engaged” employees? After all, treating your employees like human beings with fulfilling personal lives isn’t any way to maximize profits, now is it?

My company, decrying flagging employee survey scores, seeks to increase employee engagement, in any way possible other than enhancing benefits or work life balance (i.e., without decreasing profits). Although I like my job and the people I work with, I’m just not motivated to make my job my life, no matter how many profit-contingent bonuses they wave in my face.

One Reply to “corporations aren’t engaging”

  1. Interestingly, incorporation was initially a way of allowing profit for activities that benefited the general public, but over time has come to be a very different thing. Details here.

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