expiry for laws

Like politicians are given term limits, so too should the laws themselves have time limits. Laws are reflections of a culture’s widely held morals (and sometimes those just close to the politicians’ hearts) and any amateur sociologist knows that a culture’s morals evolve and change over time. For example, homosexuality is no longer considered a psychological disorder (at least not by the psychology profession – it’s off the DSM4). Like any packaged food, laws should have expiration dates. I think an average lifetime (70-80 years) would be best, but I’d settle for 100 years. Any law still worth having around could be renewed (i.e., murder should remain illegal), but laws not renewed should automatically be expired. It’s like having a home for many years and never dusting – keeping laws indefinitely is just a very messy proposition.

Some sample strange (and irrelevant) laws are here: Strange Laws