what we’re doing right

With so much going on in the world today, it’s easy to get bogged down in cynicism, but as a friend reminded me recently, there have been a lot of major positive changes in the last hundred years. Women now have the right to vote (in many, if not all, countries – in the USA, women’s suffrage came in 1920). Legal segregation is over in most places and interracial marriage is allowed. Gay marriage is allowed a few places. Cross-dressing is not an illegal, arrestable offense anymore (in the USA). People like RuPaul exist and manage to survive. We even have some non-white governors and women in legislature. India has a law about proportional representation by the sexes (something like at least 30% of legislature must be women). We can keep in touch with more people much easier and cheaper than ever before due to rapid strides in communication technology. We can still connect with other people and even to plants and animals. So, you go, world. 🙂

One Reply to “what we’re doing right”

  1. Oh and not only did we have a black man running againsta a white woman for governor of MA last time round (bm won), but we have a black man and white woman forerunner in the Democrat primaries this month and there’s some possibility that one of them might actually be president someday, which would be pretty amazing. My BFF looked it up and there have been quite a number of women governors over the years (dating back to 1920s) and of the 50 states, 10 currently have female governors, which, although not quite representative of the general population is pretty darn amazing considering women haven’t been able to vote for even 100 years yet.

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